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University of Georgia Chemical Amnesty Program

DCS was entrusted by the University of Georgia to execute a crucial chemical amnesty program. Our mission was to identify and safely dispose of a vast range of chemicals stored across the university's numerous research laboratories. Our commitment to a safer environment led us to work tirelessly for six weeks, during which we successfully collected and categorized over 22,000 unknown chemicals.



Decommissioning of an Abandoned Machine Manufacturing Facility

Our expertise was further demonstrated when we were contracted to decommission an abandoned machine manufacturing facility. Over a period of two years, we meticulously dismantled and removed the facility's plating operations, painting lines, and water treatment equipment, covering an extensive area of 250,000 square feet.  


Remediation of Pyrophoric Metal Powders

In another challenging project, a specialty metals manufacturer required our services to remediate over 20,000 pounds of pyrophoric metal powders contained in 100 damaged drums. To ensure safety and efficiency, we devised a unique handling system to open each container and repackage the unstable material.


The project lasted for three weeks and resulted in over 2,000 containers of waste. These were safely incinerated without incident, showcasing our innovative approach to problem-solving and our commitment to hazardous waste management.



These chemicals, stored in a variety of containers like drums, bottles, boxes, jars, and cylinders, presented a complex challenge. However, our experienced team ensured a safe and efficient process, resulting in the off-site shipment of over 225 lab pack drums and 53 cylinders. Remarkably, we achieved all this within the set budget, proving to be 60% more economical than the nearest competitor.



In addition to the decommissioning, we also managed the collection, packaging, and disposal of more than 300 drums of hazardous and industrial waste. This endeavor underlined our ability to handle complex projects while adhering to the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility.

​Radioactive Materials Management for a Public University

DCS was also contracted by a large public university to undertake comprehensive radioactive materials management. We carried out a thorough site investigation, identifying contaminated materials and areas requiring decontamination.


Our comprehensive services included license modification and completion of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) paperwork, highlighting our expertise in regulatory compliance. Moreover, we successfully managed the stabilization and disposal of plutonium sources, a testament to our proficiency in handling high-risk materials.

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